At The River´s Mouth - en international antologi
Nine short stories about Aarhus. Eight writers with personal connections to Denmark, Europe and the world. One meeting place.
This book celebrates the art and fellowship of writing. At Godsbanen, a former industrial rail terminus-turned cultural hub in the heart of Aarhus, international writers meet on a weekly basis to talk about their work. This group has together created At The River's Mouth, an interwoven collection of short stories that uses Aarhus as a scene, a character, and a connective tissue.
These nine short stories give the reader a new view of the city at the river’s mouth.
The short stories:
1- Boom Kapow
2- Paradise
3- Flaw in the systems
4- Sculptures by the sea
5- Between the red bricks
6- Hunts for Lucifer
7- Ghosts of Aarhus
8- The Race
Preface: Tabish Khair
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Price 140,- include delivery
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